If you purchased FOTA on Kindle, you may have received an email from Amazon letting you know that an update is available. YES! It’s true!
While fixing a couple annoying formatting issues, the new version also contains the Authors’ Preferred Text!
So, even if you didn’t get the email, you can still go to Amazon and under “Accounts and Lists,’ go to “Your Content and Devices.” There should be an “Update Available” link under Flight of the Angels. Hit that link! If you’ve been wanting to reread FOTA before the release of Hornet’s Nest, (Yes, this is happening) this would be the version to read!
Plus, you would have the same version read by The Sci-Fi Christian’s one and only Ben DeBono on the (whispers conspiratorially) up and coming AUDIO BOOK! (Yes, we shouted that part at the end–we’re so excited.) Stay tuned, Angels. Details to Follow!