“Hey, w
hen are you guys going to finish up Hornet’s Nest? I’m starving for more adventures!” said no-one-in-particular.
In response to this non-existent groundswell of public demand, Allan and Aaron have penned a new piece of short fiction in the FOTA universe to help tide us over.
“Wow, that’s awesome! What is this groundbreaking story called, and what is it about?”
While we eschew the label of “prequel,” let’s just say that this new story, “Blood Ace,” takes place a few years prior to the events in Flight of the Angels, and serves to flesh out a couple of the characters.
“Uh, guys? That sounds pretty much like a prequel to me.”
Okay, okay. It’s a prequel, all right? But that’s not important right now. What is important is that “Blood Ace” has been chosen to appear in The Crossover Alliance Anthology–a collection of edgy Christian fiction scheduled to be released toward the end of summer! Besides “Blood Ace,” the anthology includes eight other stories by five awesome authors.
“Wow! Where can I get more information!? I want to read this! Especially the stories from those other guys! (no offense.)
None taken. We’re glad you asked. Keep an eye on this site for release announcements: The Crossover Alliance
and like them on Facebook for all the latest news!
Seriously, you are still working on Hornet’s Nest, aren’t you?
Yes mom. We are. We promise. Now get off our site.